Introduction to Healthcare Series Infection Control (eLearning)
R684.25 Incl VAT
Coming Soon
This self-paced two-part eLearning course introduces the fundamentals of infection. The course provides a general introduction to Microbiology in Part 1 and Asepsis in Part 2. Instruction delivery is through PowerPoint slides and video.
Completion of this course will enable the learner to:
✓ Identify the goals of infection control
✓ Understand the history of microbiology
✓ Differentiate between bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsia and protozoa
✓ Classify bacteria according to their shape – cocci, rods and spirals
✓ Understand basic methods to identify bacteria in the laboratory
✓ Define asepsis and types of asepsis
✓ Understand the chain of infection and how to break the chain
✓ Understand the standard precautions for healthcare professionals
✓ Compare disinfectant, antiseptic and sterilization
✓ Identify the disease risks to healthcare professionals
CPD Accreditation:
✓ 1 CPD point for attendance.
✓ 3 CPD points if the assessment is completed with 70% pass rate.
Please note: Students who are attending the face-to-face training do not need to purchase the course manual.